Send Us Your Submission for the America's Most Toxic Car Ads Contest!
Ever seen an a car ad that glorifies reckless driving, knowingly fuels our pedestrian death crisis, and glosses over the climate impact of the dirtiest (and, critically, most profitable) vehicles on U.S. roads? Submit it below. (For questions, email
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Which ad do you think deserves the title? Please post a short Youtube or Vimeo link, or a link to a high-rez 2-D image below.
In a few words, why does this commercial deserve the title of America's Most Toxic Car Ad? *
What name would you feel comfortable with us using to refer to you on the site? (First name only is fine) *
What pronouns should we use to refer to you? *
Do you have a Twitter handle you'd like us to tag if your submission is selected? *
What's your email address, in case we have questions? *
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