Little Fenway Hard Labor
Your time is one of the best donations you can make to the league.  Thanks for helping out!

We have 6 days of work available.  Please pick a day or two or three and help us build Little Fenway on Penney Road. 

We'll have the BBQ running for lunch each day and you can come for the entire day or a smaller portion.  

We will need volunteers every day, but we'll need the most volunteers on Sunday 4/16 and Monday 4/17 when we expect to be hauling cement and pouring the foundations for the Green Monster piers.  We'll be digging holes, wiring up rebar cages, installing posts, installing facing, painting, and other tasks pretty much every day.

We will simultaneously scrape the infield and convert it to a softball and 50/70 compatible diamond.  However, our first priority will be the Fenway wall.  We need 3-6 workers for the Fenway wall and 2-4 for the diamond conversion each day.

Our main days will be Friday through Monday when we hope to do most of the wall.  The evenings will be dedicated to infield work and can be run as a separate project.  

Please sign up for the times you are available below.  All volunteers will be memorialized on the wall with their name listed as a volunteer.
Primary Interest (Green Monster or Field Conversion)
Fenway Wall Day 1 (Friday 4/14 - 8am - 3pm)
Fenway Wall Day 2 (Saturday 4/15 - 8am - 3pm)
Fenway Wall Day 3 (Sunday 4/15 - 8am - 3pm)
Fenway Wall Day 4 (Monday 4/16 - 8am - 7pm)
Fenway Wall Day 5 (Tuesday 4/17 - 8am - 7pm)
Fenway Wall Day 6 (Wednesday 4/18 - 8am - 7pm)
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