23rd Veteran Bladesmithing Program
Combining  FIRE, METAL, SWEAT, and VETERANS  to make something awesome!

* Fill out this application to reserve your place in line for current and or future groups
* Up to six may participate at a time
* We will reach out to you when it's your turn

* Duluth, MN area veterans

* At no cost to you, this course will teach the basics of a blacksmith - how to properly heat metal and use tools of the trade to mold a piece of usable art. We then progress into shaping knives out of high-carbon steel and finish by designing and installing handles and sharpening our blades to perfection.

*  Forging Community
    Duluth Armory, 1325 London Road, Duluth, MN 

* Classes are held on Sundays from 12:50pm-6pm
* You must attend each class in order

* January 5, 12, 19, 26
   February 2

* Eye protection
* Ear protection
* Water bottle
* Snack
* Alcohol is not allowed

* While participating in this program, you are also welcome to join Forging Community during their evening classes for $25 per session.

* Graduating from the program allows you the options of becoming a member of our partnering nonprofit, Forging Community. Forging Community does have a fee for membership and 23rd Veteran will cover your first year's membership.

Matthew Rosky
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Cell Number
Please use the format "012-345-6789"
Street Address *
City *
Please use the two letter abbreviation for your state.
Zip *
What's your service status? *
Age *
Gender *
Any disability that may prevent you from swinging a hammer for extended time?
What else would you like to share?
Emergency contact name *
Emergency contact phone
Please use the format "012-345-6789"
LIABILITY WAIVER: I realize that participation in Blacksmithing and Bladesmithing classes and activities could involve personal injury. Despite precautions, accidents and injuries may occur. By signing this release form, I (Participant) assume all risks related to the use of any and all spaces and equipment used for 23rd Veteran and Forging Community programs. I agree to release and hold harmless 23rd Veteran and Forging Community, including boards of directors, instructors, staff members, volunteers, and facilities from any cause of action, claims, or demands now and in the future. I will not hold 23rd Veteran nor Forging Community liable for any personal injury or any personal property damage, which may occur on the premises before, during or after classes or from the use of the premises. Furthermore, I agree to obey the class and facility rules and take full responsibility for my behavior in addition to any damage I may cause to the facilities utilized by 23rd Veteran and Forging Community. In the event that I should observe any unsafe conduct or conditions before, during or after my/our classes or use of the facilities, I agree to report the unsafe conduct or conditions to a Forging Community or 23rd Veteran staff member as soon as possible. MEDIA RELEASE: I hereby release all photography, images, video and sound recordings and similar media to 23rd Veteran for their sole use in advertising this program to future participants, supporters, and potential supporters. COVID-19 RISK ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: By signing this Waiver, I acknowledge the contagious nature of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, the novel coronavirus (herby referred to as COVID-19) and voluntarily assume the risk that I, on behalf of myself, and, if applicable, my Ward, may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19 by attending and/or participating in this 23rd Veteran and Forging Community program, and that such exposure or infection may result in personal injury, illness, permanent disability, and death. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to COVID-19 or persons infected by COVID-19 during the program may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, other Program Participants or 23rd Veteran and Forging Community instructors, staff members, volunteers, and facilities. I knowingly and voluntarily agree to comply with and adhere to all necessary and required COVID-19 related safety and risk mitigation practices during my attendance and participation in the program, whether communicated verbally or in writing. Such practices may include, but are not limited to: (i) recognized social distancing practices (i.e. maintaining 6-feet of space between myself and other individuals); (ii) wearing a proper face mask, and (iii) washing hands and/or using hand sanitizer frequently and avoiding touching of the face. I acknowledge and agree that my, or my Ward’s compliance with these safety and mitigation practices is not only for my own benefit but also for the benefit of other Program Participants, 23rd Veteran and Forging Community instructors, staff members, volunteers, and facilities. I voluntarily assume the risk that I, on behalf of myself, and, if applicable, my Ward, may be exposed to COVID-19 or persons infected with the COVID-19 as a result of a failure to comply with such practices. Further, notwithstanding the foregoing, I agree that I will neither attend nor participate in a Program day if I have:(i) tested positive for COVID-19; (ii) shown any symptoms of COVID-19; or (iii) have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19 (or any known symptoms thereof). *
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