Focus Parent Registration
Parents, please complete this form for the upcoming 2021-22 Focus Year.  If you have any questions, please contact me at (832)427-0045 or, or you may coordinate a time to meet in person in the office.  Thank you!
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Parent(s) Name(s) *
Name(s) of Child(ren) *
Emergency Contact Number *
Parent Email Address *
What topics, trainings, or resources would you like to see this year to assist you as a parent of youth?
I, the parent or guardian of the above student(s), do hereby authorize emergency medical, dental, health, or hospital services to be rendered to my child(ren) upon consent of a Katy Christian Community Church (KCCC) staff member or designated volunteer. I will not hold KCCC leaders or church representatives liable for any injuries sustained by my child(ren) while on the premises of KCCC and I will take full financial responsibility for any medical treatment rendered. I also give permission for KCCC to post or print photo(s) of my child(ren) to appear among other ministry-related photos as long as there is no identifying information shown.
Please type your name below as a digital signature *
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