FrequencyMC - Helper Application
You must meet the following prerequisites before applying

• You must be 16 years old or older
• You must be able to speak English fluently
• You must have a Discord account and be in the FrequencyMC Discord:


How do we know if our application is accepted?
Applications are read on a weekly basis. If accepted you will receive a DM on Discord with further information. If a week passes and you have not received any DM from the Management Team, assume you have been denied.

IMPORTANT: Do not ask about the status of your application, doing so will result in your application being instantly denied. If denied you may re-apply within a month of submitting your first application.
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Current IGN *
What is your Discord #ID? *
Discord is used as our primary source of communication; if you currently don't have a discord, we suggest creating an account before submitting your application.
What time zone are you in? *
Example: EST, PST, etc.
Which region are you from? *
How old are you? *
What language(s) do you fluently speak? *
How active can you be per day? *
Please be considerate and realistic with your selection.
Have you ever had any previous punishments on the FrequencyMC server? *
What is your knowledge of the FrequencyMC server? (e.g. gamemodes, community, staff team, etc.) *
Past Staff Experience
If this doesn't apply to you, then you can leave this blank. However, if this applies to you, please state the Server, your rank there and your daily routine there.
Why do you want to become Staff? *
What sets you apart from other applicants? *
Any additional info?
Have you read all of the following prerequisites at the beginning of this application? *
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