His & Her Health Clinic
Samitivej is offering you the chance to consult with one of our doctors from the comfort of your own home via the Samitivej Virtual Hospital.

Service Fees and Medication Fees 

- Online doctor consultation starts at 500 THB for the first 15 minutes 

- 10% discount on medication prescribed during consultation through December 31, 2025

Medicine Delivery Service (through December 31, 2025)

- Same-day delivery within Bangkok for a fee of 100 THB per route

- Same-day delivery in Greater Bangkok incurs delivery fees calculated by distance

- Next-day delivery is offered for both Greater Bangkok and provincial areas, with a delivery fee of 100 THB per route

The use of health insurance for online consultation and medication fees depends on the terms outlined in the patient's insurance policy. Kindly check your coverage directly with your insurer or the entity responsible for medical expense reimbursements.

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