2024 Hullabaloo Performer Application
Thank you for your interest in Hullabaloo - a festive atmosphere is created on Scope Plaza three hours prior to each public performance of the Tattoo. The Hullabaloo is another opportunity for performers to further interact with the public and offer a performance different from that in the Tattoo. Three hours of bands, pipes and drums, dance teams, drum lines, food vendors and beer tents.

Rain or shine event. Event will be canceled if the weather becomes dangerous. Performers may opt out if they are concerned about damage to their instruments or uniforms.

We'll be in touch soon regarding your application status and / or performance times!

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Name & Contact Information *
Performance Spaces
A sound system with an input jack and microphone will be provided for your use. Each group is responsible for providing their own music if necessary.

- 24' x 24' with a 12" rise
- Stairs with rails lead up to the stage on either side
- Great for small groups of dancers and small bands
-Power available

Piper's Plaza:
- Large space where Drumming Showcase and Pipe Band Championship take place
- Great for large bands and drill teams
-Power may be available

- Perform for the crowd wherever they may be
- Ideal for performances with no technical requirements
Description of Performance
Technical Needs
Preferred performance locations (more than one is possible) *
Preferred performance dates (more than one is possible): *
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