Corporate/Special Event Request
Thank you for your interest in hosting a special event with the Missoula Curling Club. We would be happy to help coordinate an event with you and your organization. Our standard events are two hours long. Participants will get a primer in the sport of curling, lessons on delivering stones and sweeping, and end with a scrimmage between participants. MCC will provide all the gear and materials required to curl.

Due to our current restraints, our special events are limited to Fridays between 10 am and 1 pm. Your group must have a minimum of 6 people and a maximum of 30 people. The cost is $60 per participant.  

Please fill out the below form, and someone from MCC will contact you to discuss details.
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Email *
What is the name of your group or organization?
Can you tell us a bit about your organization and you reason for hosting this event?
Who is the contact person of the group or organization?
What is the contact person's phone number?
How many people from your group or organization will be participating?
Do you have an idea of which Friday you would like to host your event?
Do you have any additional questions or comments?
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