Science With Us volunteer sign-up form
Hello, and welcome to Science With Us! The information in this form is intended to allow us to (1) send you on-boarding and training information, (2) coordinate transportation with you to and from volunteering events.  The information that you enter in this form will only be visible to Science With Us leadership (not every volunteer), and we will not share your information with anyone unless you explicitly give us your permission to do so.  We will endeavor to be respectful of your contact information and contact you only when necessary.
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First Name *
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number *
A regular phone number that we can text message is strongly preferred, especially if we need to coordinate with you on the day of an event.  Please indicate if the number that you have can only be reached via WhatsApp or some other messaging service.  For example: 1-234-567-9801 (WhatsApp).  No further clarification is required if the number you have given is a regular US phone number
Institution *
This question is most pertinent to volunteers who are students, post-doctoral researchers, or other scientists at academic and government institutions.  We are asking for this information so that we can (with your permission) connect you with other volunteers from your institution for the purpose of coordinating transportation or even working together to come up with new ideas and material for Science With Us.  If you are not a researcher or not at such an institution (and we have need of all types of volunteers!), please just describe your situation in a few words.  There is a space to tell us more about yourself below.
Department *
This question is most pertinent to volunteers who are students, post-doctoral researchers, or other scientists at academic and government institutions.  We are asking for this information so that we can (with your permission) connect you with other volunteers from your institution for the purpose of coordinating transportation or even working together to come up with new ideas and material for Science With Us.  If you are not a researcher or not at such an institution (and we have need of all types of volunteers!), please just put "N.A."
Please tell us a bit about yourself and what you would like to do with Science With Us *
We believe that people will work best when they're doing something that truly inspires them, so we'd like to know what our volunteers want to work on.  We are building a non-profit organization from the ground up, so there is room for all sorts of interests and skillsets.   Want to help run activities at libraries and schools and teach people how to use microscopes?  Great.  Want to mentor kids from underserved communities on how to design experiments to test a hypothesis? Fantastic.  Interested in working on the articles of incorporation and bylaws for a nonprofit and learning about how to file for tax-exempt status? Wonderful.  Have web design / social media experience and want to help us manage our online presence?  This is sorely needed. Want to help us come up with new experiments and activities or prepare samples that we can use to teach the world about your research?  Very cool.  As you can see, There's a lot to do, and we need clever and motivated people to help us do it.  Towards this end, please also let us know if you have any unique skills that you think might be useful.  You can also let us know about anything else you might find pertinent.  What year you are in your program, other degrees, etc.  You can write as much or as little as you'd like.
How involved to you want to be? *
We welcome all levels of interest and commitment.  If you want to help run an outreach event every other month or so, that would be a huge help.  If you want to help with organization-building or activity development stuff on a regular basis, we really need people willing to do that.  If this sounds like something you could be really passionate about and might want to serve on our board of directors when we eventually become a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, definitely let us know (board positions in a nonprofit are legally required to be unpaid, volunteer positions).  If you don't know, you can absolutely tell us that as well.
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