THE SUICIDE SQUAD || Fandango Code Giveaway
From the horribly beautiful mind of writer/director James Gunn comes the superhero action adventure THE SUICIDE SQUAD, featuring the most degenerate delinquents in the DC lineup. Opening in theaters and streaming on HBO Max on August 6th. Rated R for strong violence and gore, language throughout, some sexual references, drug use and brief graphic nudity.

*PLEASE NOTE One entry per person. Fandango code good for theater entry for 2 persons. Winners will be chosen on August 9, 2021 and will receive their digital Fandango code via e-mail. Please enter a valid e-mail address below. Entering your information below does not guarantee you a fandango code. No purchase necessary. Fandango code valid starting 8/6/21 through the film's theatrical run. Please visit to find a showtime near you.

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