Anti-Palestine Racism in Education Register

APAN- “Anti-Palestinian Racism in Schools Register” 

APAN is running an “Anti-Palestinian Racism in Schools Register” following increasing incidents of teachers, school support staff and parents and guardians being silenced and discriminated against for showing solidarity with Palestine since 7 October 2023. 

The register provides a simple and secure way for teachers, school support staff and parents and guardians to report incidents of anti-Palestinian racism and discrimination in their schools. The data is held securely by APAN. Information is collected and held in confidence to be used on an anonymous basis within published research and statistical reporting of  anti-Palestinian racism. No individual will ever be identified.

APAN’s purpose is to collect information on anti-Palestinian racism and discrimination in schools, including how it is experienced, how often it is occurring and the impact it is having on teachers, school support staff and parents and guardians in order to impact anti-racism action and public policy in schools.

APAN will engage trusted academic consultants to prepare an evidence-based public report outlining the frequency and nature of reported incidents and the impacts of anti-Palestinian racism on school communities.  

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