SBISD News Coverage Request Form
Thank you for helping the Communications Department share your good news with the community! News coverage from the SBISD Communications Department includes the SBISD website, social media & press releases - with multiple media outlets. REQUEST DOES NOT GUARANTEE ATTENDANCE/COVERAGE.

SBISD Communications will secure principal approval; once cleared we will make every effort to accommodate your request. Advanced notice is appreciated. Sufficient time is needed in order to pitch the story to media outlets and for district news. The Communications Department makes all contacts with the press for external coverage of events. This form will email the Communications Department.
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Please provide a short description of your event/story idea. We are looking for details. *
What time is your event? *
When is your event? *
Check all that apply to your request:
Your name *
Your campus/department *
Your phone contact *
Your email *
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