Open House Registration

Sunday, January 28, 2024, kicks off Catholic Schools Week with our annual Open House. Sunday is also the day we formally open the enrollment application for the 2024-2025 school year.  We invite you to come tour the school and experience our vibrant, faith-filled community. 

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We invite all families to join us for 10am Mass at St. Barnabas Church.  Tours of the school begin at 11:30, please select your preferred start time.
Parent/Guardian 1 - First Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Last Name *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Email *
Parent/Guardian 1 - Phone  *
Parent/Guardian 2 - First Name
Parent/Guardian 2 - Last Name
Parent/Guardian 2 - Email
Parent/Guardian 2 - Phone
Prospective Student(s) Name  *
Who will be attending the tour?  Please list names and relationship to student? *
Are you a registered parishioner of St. Barnabas Church?
If the child(ren) is currently enrolled in school or daycare, please specify the school name.
Entrance Grade for 2024-2025 School Year
(check all that apply if multiple children in your household may enroll).
Please let us know your top interests (check all that apply).
How to you hear about St. Barnabas School? *
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