U-M Library Course Materials Request
Please complete this form to request course materials support. This includes locating and acquiring electronic versions as well as placing physical items on reserve in our libraries. We ask that instructors use physical reserves for required materials only. Requests are processed in the order in which they are received.

If you place materials on reserve, be sure to turn on "Library Tools" in your Canvas course so students can see the items listed there.

Requests for optional readings the library does not hold will be forwarded to your liaison librarian for purchase consideration.

Contact us at  course-materials-support@umich.edu if you have questions.

How to request a digital scan
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Email *
Your name *
Course Title (e.g., College Writing) *
Course ID (e.g., ENGLISH 125) *
Section Number (e.g., 002) *
Semester *
Anticipated class size. This will assist us in selecting the appropriate number of concurrent users when licensing ebooks. *
Provide citations below for the materials you need. For each item, indicate the following where applicable: 1) Date needed. 2) Required or optional reading. 3) Is another edition acceptable. 
NOTE: Requests for optional readings the library does not hold will be forwarded to your liaison librarian for purchase consideration.

If the requested items are not available electronically or you have a specific need for print materials (e.g., musical scores), please indicate the items and where you would like them to be on reserve (AAEL, Fine Arts, Music, Shapiro, or Taubman). *
Please provide any further information or requirements that will assist us in fulfilling your request.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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