Derby Neck Library 2024 Summer Outcomes Survey
Thank you for taking the time to help us make our programming better and assess where we need to improve! Please fill out one survey for each family member who took part in our program. Thank you!
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Which age group are you or your child in? *
Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with these statements:
I felt welcome at the library this summer. *
I enjoyed taking part in activities offered by the library this summer. *
I learned something because of activities/programs offered by the library this summer. *
I got help from the library this summer. *
I plan to take part in library activities after the summer. *
This is the first time I participated in the Summer Reading Program. *
What, if anything, do you like most about the Derby Neck Library?
What's something new you'd like to see, or something we have that you'd like to see more of?
Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
Would you like to see more large all-ages community events like our Summer Reading End Games on August 15th?
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