BUGWU Bargaining Survey (Spring 2024)
As we prepare to decide if we're going on strike or not, we want to get a sense of which parts of our proposed contract articles would motivate people enough to keep striking until we can get them into the final contract. The main purpose of this survey is to see which issues people are already passionate about, so that we know how to organize around the topics that have less widespread interest/popularity.

We recognize that willingness to keep striking for different issues can change throughout the course of the strike. We won't assume that your answers today would necessarily be the same as your answers a week from now. That said, please feel free to repeat this survey at a later date to give us updated information if your views change.

If you have any questions about this survey, we encourage you to discuss with your coworkers and/or your union rep!
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What is your name? *
What is your BU email address? *
What is your non-BU email?
What is your cell phone number?
Choose which option fits you best: *
What is your college? *
What is your department? *
What year did you start your program? *
What year do you expect to graduate? *
What is your level of involvement with BUGWU?
Have you attended any bargaining sessions? *
For the following sections, please indicate which issues you are willing to go and stay on strike for as long as it takes for BU to agree to include them in our contract.
These demands have been taken from our collectively-drafted and ratified platform summary
For a life without rent burden
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant articles: Compensation, Payday)
For a contract that will empower us to collectively protect and maintain our health…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant articles: BenefitsPublic Health; the Public Health article was drafted by members of the Disabled, Chronically Ill, and Neurodivergent Caucus)
For a contract that will regulate our workloads and ensure fair compensation…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant article: AppointmentsWorkload)
For a contract that will ensure that we can afford to get to work/relocate to Boston…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant article: Benefits; also see the MBTA Pass Petition from 2022)
For a contract that will guarantee comprehensive childcare benefits…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant article: Benefits; these portions of the Benefits article were drafted by members of the Parents & Caregivers Caucus)
For a contract that will address our access needs…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant article: Access Needs; the Access Needs article was drafted by members of the Disabled, Chronically Ill, and Neurodivergent Caucus)
For a contract that will provide support for training and professional development…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant article: Professional Development)
For a contract that will ensure safety in our workplaces…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant articles: Health & Safety, Nondiscrimination)
For a contract that will codify the right to fair and transparent disciplinary procedures…
If the rest of the contract was settled, which of these things would motivate you enough to stay on strike?
(Relevant article: Discipline)
Do you want to elaborate on any of these issues?
Do you have any specific solutions to any of these issues that you want to see implemented?
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