Alfred L. Gage Professional Service Award
The OFLTA Alfred L. Gage Professional Service Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding commitment and service to the world language teaching profession. Because this award is reserved for exceptional service, it may not be awarded some years.

The criteria for selection are:
1) The recipient must have evidenced outstanding commitment and provided notable service to the world language teaching profession.
2) The recipient must be a resident of Oklahoma and an OFLTA member.
3) Currently serving OFLTA Executive Board members are not eligible to be nominated for this award.

Deadline: Nominations must be submitted no later than February 1.
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What is your full name? *
What is your email address? *
What is your best contact phone number? *
Are you a current member of OFLTA? *
Whom are you nominating for the Alfred L. Gage Professional Service Award? (First & Last Name) *
Is this person aware that you are nominating them? *
What is the best phone number to contact this nominee? *
What is the email address of the nominee? *
Please provide information on what and where this nominee teaches: *
How does long has this nominee been teaching world language(s) in Oklahoma? *
How does this nominee exemplify outstanding commitment and service to the teaching of world language(s)? *
What makes this nominee exceptional in the world language teaching profession in Oklahoma? *
Are there any other details you would like to provide about this nominee that will help the OFLTA Board of Directors in making their determination? If so, please elaborate here:
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