Trauma-Informed Additional Questions
I kindly ask anyone who identifies as a survivor of trauma to fill in this additional consultation form in advance of their first appointment. You do not need to disclose anything you do not feel comfortable sharing, but having even a basic understanding of your background can help me to prepare to best meet your individual needs before our first session.
The majority of the massage is performed through clothing, so you will not need to undress for a treatment. There are a few variations which I have detailed below to see what you might be comfortable with.
Your Name *
Would you like to bring somebody with you to your first appointment?
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I will email you in response to your form submission. Would you also like to speak on the phone before your first appointment?
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Please indicate how you imagine you might feel about being touched on these different areas of your body (through your clothes). These can change from session to session and I will always check in with you before we start. *
Happy to have touched
Please ask or warn before touching
Please do not touch
Not sure
Upper Back
Lower Back
Upper/Inner Thighs
This style of treatment is primarily performed through clothing, sometimes it can be nice to use oils or lotions directly on the skin which may involve removing or adjusting some items of clothing, such as rolling up your trousers or lifting your shirt (while you lie on your stomach) to massage the back. I will always leave the room while you adjust any clothing. However, this is not necessary and you can still have a complete treatment entirely performed through your clothes.  Is this something you might like to add to your session?
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There are other non-touch based stimuli in massage and bodywork that some trauma survivors may find challenging. Are you aware of any triggers you may have in the following categories?
Not sure
Fragrances or Smells e.g in oils or lotions.
Music or Sounds e.g. songs, or background noises.
Words or Phrases e.g. to refer to parts of your body, or in conversation.
Environmental e.g. low light levels, doors, windows, size of space.
If you selected 'Yes' to any of these, are you able to discuss any specific triggers that I may need to be aware of before the first session? If not, we can make the non-touch based decisions together at the time.
Some people feel comfortable with conversation throughout the session, whereas others prefer peace and quiet! Please indicate which you think you'd prefer.
For some people, going to new or unknown places can feel unsettling, and so if there is a specific location or place you would like to have your session, I will do my best to make that possible. You are also always welcome to bring somebody with you. Please indicate if you might have a preference for session location. Wherever we agree to meet I will send you clear directions with photos before the session to help you find your way there.
Is there anything else you'd like me to know?
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