Just Food? Conference Poster Session Participation Form
This form is to submit a request to participate in the POSTER SESSION ONLY. We are no longer accepting proposals for panels, talks, or workshops.

"Just Food? Forum on Justice in the Food System" will take place at Harvard Law School March 28-29th, 2015. Just Food? is a collaboration of the Harvard Food Law Society and Food Literacy Project as part of Food Better.

The conference will explore the intersections between social, economic, and environmental justice and the food system. Our goal is to educate participants, empower them to make positive change, and engage them in the food community.
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Name *
Email *
Phone number
Address *
Just a town and state is fine!
Affiliation *
Your organization, institution, title etc.
What days can you attend the conference? *
What kind of table would you like to have at the poster session? *
Description *
Please describe what kind of space/set-up you will need. This includes access to an outlet, a table, etc.
Are you willing to sponsor the conference through a donation? *
We will not have space for all poster session requests and will give special consideration to participants that can help sponsor the conference.
Are there other people who work in Food Justice who we should reach out to?
Please list their names, affiliations, and contact information
Do you have any other notes?
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