Professional Development Request Form
Action Based Learning is excited to work with your team to help transform the way we teach and learn! Staff Training benefits teachers of all levels, nurses, OTs, PTs, parents, administrators, curriculum developers and decision makers. Anyone who attends, will walk away with valuable information which has the power to change lives and transform your school culture and learning environments!  Training sessions are CUSTOMIZED to fit the needs of your attendees. Our Master Trainers are highly trained, highly qualified leaders who are chosen because they are outstanding award winning educators. Each Master Trainer brings their own expertise to our innovative workshops.

PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY. IF YOU ARE UNSURE OF SOME ANSWERS, please provide an answer based on your knowledge at this point. This is simply a general request form to get a better understanding of your needs. No training will be booked until a detailed training proposal is laid out and approved by your team. Provide date, times and availability using your best estimate. We will contact you to discuss your needs in further detail, prior to booking.
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Email *
Preferred Training Type
Approximate # of Attendees
Preferred Training Time
Preferred Time (If you have an ideal start and end time, please provide below)
Preferred Dates (Please Provide 2 or More Dates of Availability)
Which age groups are your primary focus for this training??
Overall, what percentage of your staff currently practices active learning?
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Overall, what percentage of your teachers understand the benefits of active learning and are on board with implementing the concept?
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Do you currently utilize Action Based Learning Classrooms or Lab equipment?If so, how are you currently using these in your school? If not, what is your ideal plan for your school?
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