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Q1. Two nurses are discussing a client’s plan of care during hand-off report at the change of shift. They are following the SBAR technique to ensure accuracy of communication and to avoid missing pertinent data. The R in SBAR stands for:
1 point
Q2. A nurse reports to the health care provider that a client was admitted with episodes of syncope. Which part of SBAR is this statement?
1 point
Q3. What assessment finding would be priority in the SBAR report to the health care provider?
1 point
Q4. What is the benefit of using SBAR when the nurse is giving reports to the oncoming staff?
1 point
Q5. The nurse is caring for a client recently admitted with the diagnosis of a stroke. When providing a bedside report at shift change, which statements by the nurse are required pieces of an SBAR report? Select all that apply.
1 point
Q6. The nurse is preparing to call report to the receiving unit on a client in their care. They are preparing to use the SBAR report method. The nurse is aware the acronym SBAR includes the following components: 

Select all the apply
1 point
Q7. The nurse prepares an SBAR report for a client. The client wakes after receiving a firm shake on the shoulder but drifts back to sleep quickly thereafter. Which statement will the nurse include in the “B” section of the report?
1 point
Q8. The nurse calls the primary health care provider to report the status of a postsurgical client. Place the statements in the correct SBAR communication format.

A. "Mr. Jones is experiencing pain of a 7 on a scale of 1 to 10. Vital signs are B/P 150/88, HR 90, and RR 26, with an O2 sat of 95%."
B. "This is Mary Smith, RN, calling about Mr. Jones in room 325 at Memorial Hospital."
C. "Mr. Jones had an open cholecystectomy yesterday and reports inadequate pain control with his current medication regimen since the surgery."
D. "Would you like to make a change in his pharmacologic regimen?"

1 point
Q9. Using SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation/Request) to communicate with the health care provider, which statement should the nurse include to describe the situation?
1 point
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Q10. A nurse is calling the primary healthcare provider about a client who is experiencing dyspnea and chest pain two days post total knee replacement. Which statements by the nurse are appropriate according to the communication tool SBAR (Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation)?

Select all that apply

1 point
Q11. A nurse is preparing to contact a provider regarding a client. When using the SBAR communication tool, which of the following statements should the nurse include in the B step?
1 point
Q12. The nurse is using the SBAR technique to communicate with the health care provider. Which of the following phrases would be associated with "B-Background"?
1 point
Q13. The nurse notifies the health care provider of a change in client condition.  Which of the following reports given by the nurse includes the most appropriate and complete information?
1 point
Q14. The parent of a 7-month-old reports that the child has been crying and vomiting with a distended belly for the past 4 hours.  The infant is now lying quietly in the parent's arms with a pulse of 200/min and respirations of 60/min.  Which of the following components of SBAR (situation, background, assessment, recommendation/read-back) communication is most important for the nurse to report to the health care provider?
1 point
Q15. The nurse has called a physician to obtain orders about their mutual client. Below is the transcript of the call:

Hello Dr. B this is Nurse A calling about our client Mr. F. The client is a 63-year-old male 24 hours post-surgical appendectomy who is having pain. He has a history of hearing loss and urinary tract infections. I would like to increase Mr. F's morphine from 0.5 mg per hour as needed to 1 mg per hour as needed.

​​​​​​​What communication step did the nurse forget to include?
1 point
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