Praise by the Pier GOSPEL CHOIR

We are very excited to once again present our mass choir at the final Praise by the Pier Sunday, August 27 at 6:30pm

Please use this form to sign up and we'll keep you updated with details as we get closer. This year's choir will be directed by Vanessa Allen!

All rehearsals will be at the Hark Up Loft (800 Monroe Ave NE Ste 322, Grand Rapids, MI) on Mondays at 7pm
July 31
August 7 
August 14 
August 21

Final rehearsal August 27 - 4:15pm at Lynn Sherwood Waterfront Stadium, Grand Haven


All ages are welcome (but minors need to be accompanied by an adult)!
All levels of experience are welcome, we'll help you learn the music!

If you have any questions, please email or contact Sarah Blocher (616-915-2539).

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