Want to get involved?
Just what the title says! If you are interested in getting involved with Boston Lindy Hop -- helping us out with running classes/events, DJing -- please read and fill out this form and let us know what you're interested in. Everyone who contributes to making things happen at BLH is compensated for their time and skills.

This organization only works because we have so much help and support from the community, and we'd love to have your help as well!

We have 3 main ways you can get involved. If you are interested in teaching for BLH, there is a seperate form to apply which can be found here.

Read on to find out more about each category!
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Day-of Roles/Registration
Day-of roles include things like:
- Helping to run registration for classes (checking people in, checking vaccination cards, etc.)
- Helping to take a door shift at Somerville Stomp or other future BLH events

Day-of work is typically paid at a rate of $20/hr in monetary compensation, or $25/hr in class credits.
Admin roles vary a good deal depending on what the studio needs at a given time, but have previously included things like:
- Designing our logo/swag
- Managing some of our social media presence
- Taking responsibility for updating our website with new classes

If you have a skillset and you want to use it, let us know! If you don't have a specific skillset in mind but are excited about contributing, we can find a way for you to help out. Admin work is typically paid at a rate of $20/hr in monetary compensation, or $25/hr in class credits.
In non-pandemic times, BLH DJs would play music at BLH events and/or at Dojo, our weekly practice session. We also occasionally run DJ training to get you up to speed for local opportunities and beyond. Experienced DJs are paid $35/hr for Boston Lindy Hop gigs (payment may vary with other organizations).
----------------------- Sign Up and Get Involved! -----------------------
Email address (so we can contact you about roles you are interested in)?
Which of the following roles are you interested in?
Day-of Roles
Anything else you want us to know?
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