Shabbat service registration form
Guiding principles:
Our over-riding concern is to maintain the safety and security of all community members and staff; Pikuach Nefesh (the saving of life) is our highest priority in re-opening the shul, therefore all members are asked to follow the measures below.
Before the service:
Please do not attend if: you or a member of your family has any symptoms of Covid (headache, runny nose, loss/change in sense of smell/taste, cough, sore throat, fever) or if you are self-isolating due to contact with someone with Covid.
Please only attend if you have booked to come (but don’t forget to come if you have booked!)
Children may come but are the responsibility of, and must stay with, their parents at all times
Please take an LFT test before you attend.
While in the building:
Please wash your hands with soap and water before or as soon as you enter the building, and wash your hands again whenever you sneeze/cough/blow your nose and before and after using the toilets
Please observe the one way system in place
Please maintain 2m social distance at all times, please refrain from handshaking/kissing
Please wear a mask while you are in the building
Please observe the ‘one in, one out’ rule in the toilets
Please do not kiss mezuzot/the Sefer Torah
If possible, bring your own siddur/kippa/tallit. There are lockers available for those who wish to keep their own books/tallit at OJC. There will be siddurim and tallitot available to borrow now as well.
Please leave once the service is over, don’t hang around to chat to your friends
You may sing QUIETLY in the service so long as you are wearing a mask; only the service leader may sing/chant loudly.
After the service
Please let us know should you come down with Covid symptoms or test positive after attending a service, so that we can notify other attendees. We will be keeping details of all attendees for 21 days following each service in order to facilitate Track and Trace (personal details will be handled in accordance with GDPR regulations).
Please book by Wednesday for a Friday night or Shabbat service and we will notify you on Thursday of your place at the service and any further instructions.