Climate Messengers Canada - Volunteer Signup
Thank you for your interest in volunteering your time and skills with Climate Messengers Canada! Please fill out the below form and we'll be in touch about upcoming campaigns.

Please note that we do NOT accept donations - our communications will always be focused on specific initiatives we could use your help with!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email Address *
Volunteer Areas *
What areas are you most interested in helping with? Feel free to add your own!
Twitter @ Handle
These answers help us understand who's joining CMC and why
Please tell us why you'd like to volunteer with CMC
How did you hear about CMC?
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Do you belong to any other climate-focused groups?
We love collaboration!
Phone Number
This is optional and would be used only for coordinating efforts on an individual basis. We do NOT do SMS/Phone banking.
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