One-Off and Repeating Slots at What If Theatre!

Thanks for submitting to What If Theatre! We're really excited to feature different troupes and shows on our stage.

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Name of Point Person  *
Email Address *
What is your troupe/team name? *
First & last names of troupe/team members *
Who is your coach/director? *
Are you looking for a one-off or recurring slot? *
How long a time slot do you need? (You may be paired with another group to fill a longer slot.)  *
Our audience sometimes has little improv knowledge. Describe your show as you would put it on our website, to advertise it to our potential audience. (This should lure people in and make them want to see you!) Please don't use ChatGPT to make it jazzy, just pitch it to someone who doesn't "get" improv. *
What is the real format of the show (Harold, shortform, Pretty Flower, etc.)? Explain it to someone who understands improv. *
What are your technical needs?
How does your cast represent the diversity of our community? *
What Friday/Saturday dates are there in the next three months that we absolutely CANNOT schedule you? *
Is there anything else we should know when considering your troupe?
Do you have video of your troupe performing that we can see? (Rehearsal video is fine.) If so, please insert link. 
I agree to abide by the What If Theatre Performer Guidelines and to forward those guidelines to every member of my group. *
When you submit this form, please email to let her know that you have completed it. The form does not let her know automatically. She'll get back to you shortly. Thanks so much!
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