Starbucks Workers United: Solidarity Phonebank Sign-Up Form
On February 8 and 9, Starbucks Workers United is mobilizing baristas and allies alike to speak to every single not-yet union corporate Starbucks store in the country. We'll be doing this using a phonebanking tool called Scale to Win, which makes it easy to call large lists of numbers. 

To join us in phonebanking, please fill out this form. Once you submit the form, you'll receive an email with the link to use to make your calls, a toolkit on how to use the dialer, and an invitation to join virtual phonebank parties we're hosting on Feb. 8 and 9.

While you are able to make calls anytime on February 8 and 9, we are recommending calling in the afternoons, as it's typically the least busy time at stores. We encourage you to organize a phonebanking party with your friends or organization! It's much more fun to make calls with a group of friends or comrades (though you can certainly do it alone, too!). You're able to make calls for as long as you want, though we are asking folks to commit to at least 1 hour. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Your Email *
Are you a SBWU member? *
If you are a member of an organization, please share the org name
Will you be hosting a phonebanking party? If so, how many callers do you expect to join (an estimate is fine!)
Which day are you planning to make calls? *
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