Alexandria Soccer Volunteer Inquiry
Alexandria Soccer is a non-profit organization that thrives on Volunteer Support. Volunteers have been major contributors to the club over the past 50 years and we love working with young people in our community. Volunteer opportunities are open on a rolling basis although there are certain times of year where there will be more opportunities due to high registration traffic and a busy season. Many of the volunteer opportunities will focus on how the club runs and will support the many programs that the club offers.

Volunteer positions may include office support, field management support, program support, and club representation in the broader community. Some opportunities require specific skills or physical capabilities. We will work with applicants to find a position that best matches what the potential volunteer wants to focus on with the club. You must be 13 or older to be eligible to volunteer with Alexandria Soccer.

Please complete this form to apply for a volunteer position. Alexandria Soccer will provide a Letter of Completed Volunteer Hours for all volunteer work that has been done.

Be the gold standard for community based soccer clubs -- creating a lifelong love of soccer and impacting the community beyond the sport.

The mission of Alexandria Soccer Association is to provide high quality instructional soccer and futsal programs that develop and motivate citizens, build character, and make a positive impact on Alexandria and the surrounding communities

We Create Community
We Are Accountable
We Preserve
We Develop The Whole Person

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