Had a near-miss as a pedestrian, bicyclist, or driver? Want to bike more, but don't feel safe? Worried about a specific intersection? Please join Naperville Environment and Sustainability Task Force (NEST), Naperville Bicycle Club, and Accelerate Climate Solutions for a brief presentation about bike and pedestrian safety followed by a roundtable discussion.
Did you know that:
- There were 172 bike/pedestrian "accidents" in Naperville involving a motor vehicle between February 2019 and June 2024.
- A pedestrian hit at 42 mph is 5 times more likely to die than a pedestrian hit at 23 mph.
- Bike lanes to nowhere and painted bicycle symbols on roadways actually make biking more dangerous.
- Naperville receives a score of 18/100 for bikeability, according to People for Bikes.
Naperville can do better, but only if we come together to insist that our City leaders create a vision for pedestrian and bicyclist safety.
Please join us:
Monday, September 9
6:30-8:00 PM
Naperville Municipal Center
Lunchroom (lower level)
RSVP below.