Bethel/ONC Childcare Needs Assessment
Quality child care and early childhood education are key to our children's success in life.

ONC is planning for the development of a comprehensive Yup'ik-based Early Childhood/Child Care program and facility.

You can help! Please take a few minutes to complete this survey, your answers will assist us in developing this important plan.

We look forward to receiving your input.
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Name (First, MI, Last) *
Phone Number *
Number of children at Home *
Do you currently receive childcare services? *
If yes, who provides Childcare? *
Do you need childcare in the Daytime or at Nighttime? *
Does lack of childcare prevent you from working? *
Would you be willing to take 10 minutes to speak with an ONC employee? *
Comments, Questions, or Remarks? - Quyana Caknek for your time!
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