NPSD Portal Request/Help Form
The NPSD Portal is for the use of students and legal parent(s)/guardian(s) of those students currently enrolled in the North Pocono School District.

Use this form if you are a currently enrolled North Pocono student or a parent/guardian of a currently enrolled North Pocono student, and:

*You need a portal user account;
*Your portal user account is locked or you need your password reset; or,
*You have questions or other issues in using the portal

IMPORTANT NOTE: All correspondence and information will be provided through email. If you would prefer not having this information sent through email, please go to your child’s school office for assistance. Thank you!

North Pocono High School: 97 BOCHICCHIO BLVD COVINGTON TWP PA 18444 (570) 842-7606
North Pocono Middle School:  701 CHURCH ST MOSCOW PA 18444 (570) 842-4588
North Pocono Intermediate School:  701 CHURCH ST MOSCOW PA 18444 (570) 842-7676
Moscow Elementary Center:  851 CHURCH ST MOSCOW PA 18444 (570) 842-8464
Jefferson Elementary Center:  825 LIONS RD JEFFERSON TWP PA 18436 (570) 689-2656

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