Online Sequencer Moderator Application
A basic free response application for upcoming moderators applying in light of the standardization guide.

It is important that you enter your ID instead of your username to prevent name bias for the recruiting staff.

If we're interested in your responses on this page, you will be messaged through Online Sequencer PMs for a follow-up interview with one of the moderators.
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Online Sequencer ID (3-5 digits) *
Why is Online Sequencer special to you? *
What kind of personal contributions would you offer to the site or the community if we were to give you a moderator position now? *
While becoming a moderator is not a full-time commitment, we expect you to visit the desktop version of the chat a few days of the week. If you cannot reasonably visit the site for a month, you will be considered inactive and be temporarily demoted from the position. This will discourage giving power to inactive moderators that only visit OS through Discord.

Please answer this question with the note above A#5 on the Online Sequencer keyboard if you've read this statement.
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