Majority Rules: Laugh Battle #2 (Important Videos Edition)
Whew, it's been a while since there's been a majority rules giveaway. Welcome back!

This giveaway is called the 'laugh battle', and it will be your job to vote on which videos are the funniest. Each round you will be shown 2 videos from the 'Important Videos' playlist on youtube. You will be asked to vote for either video A or video B for which one you thought was funnier. Vote in the majority for each question and you'll be entered to win one of four $25 Amazon gift cards.

A massive thank you to /u/Aghuman1 for providing all of the prizes for this giveaway and sponsoring this contest on /r/beermoney. If you ever say Aghuman1, be sure to tell them hello and a huge thank you for the prizes :).

Just as a reminder, you are required to answer all of the questions in the majority, so if you get even one question answered in the minority, you will be out of the giveaway.

NOTE: This is not a real survey. There is no data research going on here. You don't have to be honest with these questions, in fact, don't be honest. Just answer the questions based on how you think everyone else will.

Good luck!

This giveaway will close on Sunday, 6/25/17 at 11:59 PM CST. The winners will be announced the following day.

*All people who answer all of the questions in the majority will be entered to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. There will be 4 winners in total. The winners will be decided based on All usernames will be entered into a list, and the list will be randomized. The top 4 users (placed 1-4 on the list) will be the winners.

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