STUDENT Art History Syllabus Contract

Course Instructor: Mrs. Milewski

Review all syllabus contract information. 

All course materials can be found on Mrs. Milewski's Art Hisory Website

If you would like to review the syllabus again, it can be found HERE

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FIRST Name *
LAST Name *
Block *

Art History as a Prerequisite:

Students must earn a C or better in both semesters of Art History to be eligible to take Junior Art. 


50% of course work in Art History are writing assignments. 

I have read and understand the rules and discipline policy of the Art History course.
Work Submission: 
I understand that all work must be submitted physically and no digital copies of work will be accepted. 

Late Work:

Late work will be graded after the 3 week window closes. Late work is at the bottom of the grading pile.

I understand :

Resubmission of work

Students that turn in work on time will have two weeks following the date it was returned to the class to resubmit the work.

Students that turn work in late will have one week following the date it was returned to the student to resubmit the work.

I have read and understand Reagan's Plagiarism PolicySubmitting work other than your own is plagiarism and will result in a zero for that assignment. *

I have read and understand the Cell Phone Policy:

During lessons or assessments cell phones not allowed to be out or on. Earbuds or headphones must be removed during instruction or during assessments.

During studio time students may use one earbud to listen to music.

Students may not use cell phones for anything other than listening to music.

The following items are prohibited but not limited to: Watching videos Texting Social Media Making phone calls Playing video games

Repeated abuse to the phone policy will result in loss of privileges.


Pass Policy:

Hall passes are only for 5 minutes and only to go to your locker, bathroom or get a drink of water. 

Hall Passes are not to be used to speak to other students, teachers or guidance staff. 

If a student violates the pass policy and is gone for longer than 5 minutes they will receive a verbal warning. A second violation will result in loss of pass privileges.



You are expected to be in your assigned seat when the bell rings. Multiple tardies will result in a detention. 

If you are absent you are responsible for making up missed coursework. You will need to be proactive and practice your ATL skills of Communication and Self-Management.

Any student out for an extended absence is required to complete all coursework missed in order to receive credit for the course.

Anyone absent from class for an extended absence should email Mrs. Milewski and check the website to see what they should be working on during their absence


Mrs. Milewski’s Availability

After school by appointment

ACP Tuesday and Thursday passes must be gotten before ACP Advisory. Students may not be tardy to their ACP Advisory class because they were getting a pass from Mr. Chad/Mrs. Milewski. Passes to Tuesday/Thursday ACP may not always be available. Plan accordingly. 

Emails, Remind messages or phone calls received after school hours will be returned the following day.

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