大紐約區北一女校友會 通訊資料 (新增及更改)

如果您需要更改您的通訊消息, 請您提供中文姓名及聯絡電話, 畢業年屆以便我們確認您填的資料.,謝謝您的合作
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Chinese Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Year of High School Graduation (YYYY), Please input in the format of YYYY, ex 1977 as the year you graduated from high school *
Profession ( for example, Your career (Past or current) ,  We would like to add this info to facilitate future events and alumni assistance programs. *
Organization / Membership / Certification (We would like to add this info to facilitate future events and alumni assistance programs)
Expertise and Interest (Anything you enjoy and We would like to add this info to facilitate future events)
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