Songwriting for instrumentalists of all levels workshop

You are taking the first step towards bringing your song to life!

Whatever your musical level, this class will give you tools to improve your songwriting and musicianship.

This class will clarify the mysteries of songwriting and at the end you will have your song completed!

Feb 3, 2025: 7:00 - 8:00
Fundamentals of song structure and lyrics

Feb 10, 2025: 7:00 - 8:00
Chord progressions and groove

Feb 17, 2025: 7:00 - 8:00
DIY recording techniques and live sound

Feb 24, 2025: 7:00 - 9:00
Finishing touches, releasing music online, recital

$120 for 4 lessons

Instructor bio:
Laine Bergeron is a songwriter, producer, and instrumentalist for Norman, OK. They specialize in genre bending styles with a lyrical core produced with a variety of DIY techniques. Laine is the songwriter and producer for the electro-country band the Laters as well of having recorded over a dozen other independent albums.
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