North Carolina Coaching Cohort Application
In alignment with the North Carolina Digital Learning Plan, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Digital Teaching and Learning Division will be providing a year long professional learning opportunity for coaches. The intention is to have two cohorts of 50 participants each, one Eastern cohort and one Western cohort. This application is for anyone who is interested in being either a participant or coaching ambassador. Due to the nature of the Ambassadors’ work, they will be compensated $1000 for the additional duties as described below:
Participants will…
*commit to attend three face to face, two-day sessions (six face to face days total) and two virtual sessions
during the 2022-2023 school year,
*fully engage and participate in a book study (participants will choose from a predetermined list),
*fully engage and participate in professional learning experiences and activities to improve coaching skills, and
*collaboratively create coaching resources to be shared across the state in GoOpenNC.
Ambassadors will…
*commit to attend virtual planning sessions prior to face to face convenings (to be scheduled once Ambassador cohort has been selected), three face to face, two-day sessions (six face to face days total) and two virtual professional learning sessions during the 2022-2023 school year,
*collaborate with the Digital Teaching and Learning Division to create and facilitate learning experiences for participants,
*fully engage and participate in a book study (participants will choose from a predetermined list),
*fully engage and participate in professional learning experiences and activities to improve coaching skills,
*facilitate and monitor the collaboration and creation of coaching resources to be shared across the state in