CBVP: Vaccinate a Badger Campaign
Sponsor a vaccine and help protect a badger for just £20.

Your donation will pay for
  • One dose of vaccine
  • Peanuts for baiting
  • Syringe and needle
  • Equipment maintenance 
  • Running costs e.g. vaccines fridge.

Before, or after, completing the form, please make payment to:

Cumbria Badger Vaccination Project
Reference: Please include your name  in the reference so that we can identify you.

Thank you so much for your support!
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Do you consent to the above information being used to administer the Vaccinate a Badger Campaign and to contact you with information and videos about the vaccination dose you sponsor?  (It will not be shared with any other organisation).
Would you like to be contacted to hear more about the Cumbria Badger Vaccination project or to find out how you could become a volunteer?
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