Vendor Application
Thank you for applying to be a vendor at this year's Pig Fest! The 2024 Pig Fest will be held at Veteran's Park on October 25th and 26th. The festival committee will evaluate each booth and will reach out to approved vendors for payment. Each approved vendor will pay a $100 fee. The deadline is Friday, September 27th by 4 PM. For any more information or questions contact Wade Evans

Filling out this form does not guarantee a spot at this year's festival. 
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Contact Person *
Business Name *
Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Contact Email *
Please describe your booth to our team (products, company, etc) *
I have read and fully understand all the details as set forth and agree to abide by all exhibit rules and regulations, which are a part of this contract. I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Hendersonville Pig Fest, their personnel,  The City of Hendersonville and all organizations and persons sponsoring, managing or in any other way participating in the 2024 Hendersonville Pig Fest, from any loss, claim, penalty or lawsuit in any way arising from my operation or involvement in the festival. I understand that I am responsible for my employees and will ensure that their actions and appearance reflect favorably on the Hendersonville Pig Fest. *
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