Rotary Vocational Service of Excellence Award 

The Rotary Vocational Service Excellence Award is designed to recognize an individual who surpasses expectations for exemplary vocational service. These are employees who demonstrate one or more of the following attributes:

  • Goes above and beyond to serve others with a positive and willing spirit;
  • Demonstrates leadership or ability to motivate others in pursuit of excellence;
  • Considered situations and problems from novel and diverse perspectives; addressed challenges in an innovative manner.
Please complete the following form to describe how your nominee meets, or exceeds, the criteria for the Vocational Service Excellence Award.
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Your Name *
Your Email
Nominee's Name
Nomiee's Organization *
Nomiee's Title *
Nomiee's Email *
Nomiee's Phone *
Please describe why this person should receive this award and/or at least three things we can share about them.  *
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