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LLaMA Lab Undergraduate Research Assistant application
Purdue’s Language Learning and Meaning Acquisition (LLAMA) Lab studies language learning and development using behavioral, electrophysiological and eye-tracking techniques. Broadly speaking, our lab is interested in studying how we use our world experience and knowledge to learn language. Research topics include:
How do individuals vary in the ways we understand and learn language?
How we interpret speech in everyday and novel situations?
What do we understand about word meanings?
How do our brains rapidly learn new words?
What are early markers of language and learning disorders?
Undergraduates have the opportunity to participate in many aspects of the lab. Some typical tasks include:
Assist in experiments on language learning and understanding
Organize and clean datasets of early language development
Observe and code parent and child interactions
Develop child friendly experimental images and sounds
Cultivate the public face of the lab (social media, website content, community outreach)
Timelines for review:
We review applications starting around the middle of each semester for positions starting the following semester. In the Spring, we prioritize applications first from students who wish to start in the Summer, before advancing to Fall applications.
Please complete all responses below and a researcher from the lab will be in contact with you regarding your application.
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* Indicates required question
Name (First and Last)
Your answer
Purdue Email Address
Your answer
Your Major(s)
Your answer
Year in School
Your answer
When do you plan to graduate? (Semester & Year)
Your answer
Overall GPA
Your answer
Major GPA
Your answer
Name and Course number and grade received for any related* courses you have completed
*e.g. Including courses in SLHS, Psychology, Linguistics, HDFS, Stats, and other sciences (e.g. bio, chem, physics, computer, health)
Your answer
Describe any prior experience working with children
Your answer
Describe any computer software, statistical, and programming skills:
Your answer
List any other relevant skills or experiences
(e.g. prior research experience, other languages spoken, technical or artistic skills, etc)
Your answer
How many semesters would you like to be involved (you can select more than one)?
1 semester
2 semesters
3 or more semesters
How many credits are you interested in completing (1 credit = 3 lab hours/week)?
1 credit
2 credits
3 or more credits
What aspects of our research projects are you interested in learning more about as part of this experience?
Your answer
In what way(s) do you hope to contribute to the lab mission and projects?
Your answer
The LLAMA lab supports efforts to reduce systematic bias and exclusion for members of groups who are underrepresented in biomedical, clinical, social and health sciences (
defined by NIH here
We encourage applicants to (optionally) indicate if they are a member of a traditionally under-represented group below. We use this question to evaluate if our lab is achieving our aims to cultivate a diverse and inclusive laboratory community.
I identify with an underrepresented category
I do not identify with an underrepresented category
I do not wish to respond
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