Legislative Action Day 2024 Registration Form
Please complete this form to let us know if you will be joining us at the State House for the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless' Legislative Action Day on Thursday, March 7th, starting at 10 a.m. The event is hosted by State Representative Jim O'Day. Read more about Legislative Action Day here: https://mahomeless.org/legislative-action-day-2024/ (Shareable link: https://tinyurl.com/lad24info)

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Do you plan to join us for the Coalition's Legislative Action Day on Thursday, March 7th at the Massachusetts State House in the Great Hall? *
First Name *
Last Name *
Organization or Legislative Office *
Please write "n/a" if you are not affiliated with an organization or legislative office.
Email Address *
If you don't have your own email address, is there one where we can reach you? If not, please write in n/a.
Phone Number *
Role/Job Title (if applicable)
Street Address
Please enter your full street address if you would like help in setting up meetings with your State Representative and State Senator for the Legislative Action Day or the days/weeks following Legislative Action Day. It generally is most powerful to meet with the legislators that serve the community where you are living or staying. We also encourage you to meet with legislators that represent the community where you work, worship, or lived before experiencing homelessness, if different.
Zip Code
Will you be joined by others from your office or organization?
If so, please indicate their names here.
Are you in need of a reasonable accommodation in order to participate online?
If so, please provide more detail here. Please submit your request by February 15, 2024.
Appointments with State Legislators on/around Legislative Action Day
Meeting with State Representatives and Senators is an effective way to let them know that you are concerned about homelessness and to advocate for related issues. This is a time to discuss the budget and bill priorities you want them to support as related to housing and homelessness. Individual/group meetings also give you the chance to learn more about which issues legislators feel strongly (positively or negatively).
Would you be interested in meeting with your state legislator(s) and/or their staff in person or online to discuss the Coalition's housing and homelessness priorities?
Please check below if...
If you are already planning on meeting with your state legislator(s), please indicate your legislator's name(s) below.
Do you have any other comments or questions?
Thank you for your interest! We hope to see you at the State House on March 7th!
For more information, please contact:
Kelly Turley at kelly@mahomeless.org or 781-595-7570 x17
Julia Garvey at julia.garvey@mahomeless.org or 781-595-7570 x36
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