Number Drills - Level 7
Level 7 drills relate to the following areas:
* Most challenging times tables
* Larger multiplication questions. For example, 16x7=?
* A mixture of challenging division (with remainders) and multiplication questions
* Challenging fraction, decimal and percentage questions
* Questions involving square numbers
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7 x 29 *
1 point
3.2 x 5 *
1 point
1/10 x 100 *
1 point
4.62 x 10 x 10 *
1 point
0.27 ÷ 10 *
1 point
0.4 x 3 *
1 point
2.4 x 2 *
1 point
1000 ÷ 10 *
1 point
7 x 30 *
1 point
888 ÷ 8 *
1 point
1/3 of 9 *
1 point
30 ÷ 13 *
1 point
1/10 x 50 *
1 point
29 ÷ 7 *
1 point
3 x 7 x 4 x 2 *
1 point
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