創意書院 Art-Ed:藝術教育周活動登記  | HKSC - Registration of activities of "Art-Ed Week"
主辦策劃:香港兆基創意書院 Presented and Curated by: HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity



Art-Ed:Art-Education Week
Is the future of education just a one-way path of endless exams?
Or can people from different fields come together, interact, communicate, and collaborate to explore new knowledge?

The more important question is: How else can the pursuit of knowledge be approached?
HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity has always focused on creative education, and has been promoting the development of art and cultural education in Hong Kong. This year, we are organizing an Art Education Week, hoping to facilitate a broader discussion and reflection to improve the local art education environment. The activities include student performances "Youth Portrait" at the Hong Kong Performing Arts Expo (HKPAX), an art education forum, exhibitions, and open art education classes. On one hand, we hope to showcase HKSC's diverse educational practices, and on the other, we aim to provide a platform for discussion to explore the value and possibilities of art education.
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創意書院 Art-Ed:藝術教育周 
HKSC "Art-Ed Week"

香港兆基創意書院 - 初中課程簡介會 HKSC Junior Form Information Session 

名字 Name
Mobile Number 手機號碼
(首4位數字 the first 4 digits)

電郵地址 Email

代表團體 / 相關機構(可選擇是否填寫)
Representing Organization / Related Organization (optional)
Register your favourite activities now by clicking the button below:

a)  體驗課系列  Open Class Series:
電影與錄影藝術 Film and Video Arts
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a)  體驗課系列  Open Class Series:
設計與視覺傳意 Design & Visual Communication
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a)  體驗課系列  Open Class Series:
表演藝術 Performing Arts
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a)  體驗課系列  Open Class Series:
空間研習 Spatial Studies
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b) 海外藝術家 Overseas Artist:
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c) 青年群像 Youth Portrait - 香港兆基創意書院表演藝術展演 (第一天演出 Day 1 Performance)
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d) 國際研討會 International Symposium 
青少年創意教育:歐洲與香港經驗 Creative Education for youngsters: Europe and Hong Kong experience
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e) 純素美食體驗與分享 Vegan Food Tasting and Sharing
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f) 青年群像 Youth Portrait - 香港兆基創意書院表演藝術展演 (天演出 Day 2 Performance)
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