Podcast Envy Pro Pod - Cohort Application

Welcome to Podcast Envy Pro Pod! I am currently taking applications to join our first curated cohort of  professionals who podcast (not necessarily professional podcasters) from a variety of entrepreneurial and content creative backgrounds. The vision is 10-12 pros coming together for a monthly strategy session to solve your most pressing questions around growth, sustainability, craft and culture.

This program is for creative business leaders within any industry or niche with at least 6 months podcasting experience. We will not be covering the basics of "how to podcast," rather deeper topics for which you can't just Google the answer or post in a Facebook Group.

This founding round will meet monthly via Zoom. Each session will spotlight one member with a question around their show for us to discuss. Every 6 months, you get a deep dive 1-on-1 coaching with me (first one starts at the beginning of the program! Membership includes other perks like show features on Podcast Envy, access to my Craft & Culture behind the scenes podcast and an exclusive online hub on Mighty Networks for quick questions and resources for the community.

The founder's rate is $99/month when paid monthly, $948 annually ($79/mo.) If you are a production & editing client of The Creative Impostor Studios, your membership may be rolled into your monthly service retainer.

The plan is to begin our monthly Zooms January 2021 and our 1x1 coaching session may be sooner (depending on our mutual availability.) There is no hard commitment in terms of the number of months you stay, but I ask for an energetic commitment of at least 3 months. Note that there will be no refunds for unused time, sessions, or early withdrawal.

This IS a highly curated group, so the questions may take some thought/time.  All questions are required, but I have not marked them that way so that you can start the form and come back to it as you need to complete it. Any questions that are not applicable just say "n/a." I will consider the application complete once you say it is at the very bottom.

Please complete the application is 12/5/20 -- I will let you know whether you've been selected by 12/10 or sooner.

Please reach out if you have any questions! andrea@thecreativeimpostor.com or book a quick call with me to learn more at http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/teafor20.

Your Podcast Boss,
Andrea Klunder

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Name *
Phone *
Website (for your business & your show if you have more than one)
Your show's name
Who referred you or how did you hear about the Pro Pod?
YouTube Channel
Any other social you may have
Which BEST describes you as a podcaster?
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Which best describes the longevity of your podcast?
Clear selection
In about 3-5 sentences, WHY do you podcast?
What is your show about? Give me the premise in 1-3 sentences.
Which of the following show formats best describe your podcast? Choose all that apply. Feel free to add your own description.
Who is your show for? (i.e. target audience)
How would you say your podcast fits into your business or mission right now, or how would you LIKE it to? What purpose does it fulfill?
What are your top 3 podcast questions, challenges, or areas you'd like support over the next 12 months?
How are you already growing or promoting your show? (check all that apply - feel free to list your own at the bottom.)
In terms of creating or growing your show, what is something you haven't done yet, but might like to try?
Why are you joining this cohort, or how do you hope we can help you?
Is there anything you're worried we WON'T be able to help with?
What expertise, insight, skills, or perspective do you think you may contribute to the other podcasters in this cohort?
Are you planning to use the monthly plan ($99/mo) or annual ($79/mo)?
Clear selection
What time zone are you in?
When would you prefer to meet live for an hour? (check all that apply, keeping in mind it depends and schedules change)
How did you hear about this cohort, or who referred you?
Tell me 2 podcasts you LOVE to listen to and in 1-3 sentences, why.
Anything else you'd like me to know right now? Or questions you have?
Is this application complete?
Clear selection
Would you like to book a quick call with me to discuss the program or ask any questions?
Clear selection
Thank you so much for sharing with me!
I hope these questions have given you some time for reflection on your, your goals, and your vision. Once we have our dream cohort assembled, I will be reaching out to you (no later than 12/10/20, but could be sooner!) If you know of anyone else who is a professional who podcasts that would be a good fit, please share the link with them and invite them to join! http://www.thecreativeimpostor.com/bosspod - For every referral who joins the cohort, you will receive a surprise gift from me!

Peace, love & podcasting,
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