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Virtual Coffee #9 - RSVP
RSVP for the next 1-hour Virtual Coffee e-meetup session for RC's community of peers to stay socially and emotionally connected. After an unprecedented 2020, this year we want to continue to support each other as we move from a place of surviving to thriving. #PowerofWE
-Limited to 20 registrants per session.
-Sign ups will close on 1 July.
- These sessions are intended for peers (individuals who have experienced mental health challenges)
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1. Join Virtual Coffee #9: A Community Garden in Bloom - Watering Your Strengths Thurs, 1 Jul, 2021, 3:30 – 4:30pm (1 Hour)
YES I will be there
I can't make it, please update me on future sessions!
2. Is this the first Resilience Collective initiative that you're participating in?
Please confirm that you have filled in the Resilience Collective "Join Our Community" Form:
Yes I have completed the "Join Our Community" Form
Thank you for your RSVP! The Zoom Meeting invite(s) will be sent to you upon confirmation.
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