Legend High School                                   EDGE Application 2024-25
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We collaborate with students to own their learning in order to prepare them for life through memorable experiences.
Vision Statement:
To inspire students to become empathetic, global citizens empowered with tools and skills to discover their potential in a new era.
The EDGE Student:
The EDGE student is an independent and passionate learner motivated to pursue his or her unique interests in preparation for goals extending beyond the high school experience.  EDGE students will be motivated to explore the world around them while working to develop and apply real-world success skills. The ideal student should be energized by learning beyond the mere notion of the "grade," as students will be challenged to engage in creative thinking processes and empowered to find solutions for the problems of today and tomorrow. The EDGE student is a dreamer, seeking an opportunity to explore their interests in order to achieve goals defined by them. These dreamers want to break from the traditional classroom environment. They are determined to acquire the freedom to collaborate with other students and mentors. The EDGE student strives to create meaningful learning that will stick with them throughout life, thus seizing the opportunity to be innovative while establishing meaningful relationships with teachers and mentors in order to design learning that fits their personal needs.  EDGE students seek to develop the skills to provide them success in college and the career of their choice, while changing the landscape of learning and education.
The EDGE Philosophy of Learning
The EDGE learning model seeks to challenge the traditional thinking of educational practices.  EDGE was created to provide students the opportunity to pursue their own passions through a personalized learning model. Students will engage in authentic and memorable experiences, connected through all content areas allowing them to develop the skills needed to compete in a global society.  Colleges and 21st Century careers are seeking students that are able to collaborate, communicate effectively through writing or speaking, understand the creativity process and the ability to think critically to solve problems.  Students will be asked to explore understanding and comprehension in an interconnected learning community that includes humanities, integrated math and science, and STEM. EDGE is committed to ensure learning is meaningful and students are assessed in authentic learning situations. EDGE mentors look at the big picture of learning taking into consideration the rigor of student projects connected to the student’s personal passion or interests in order to inspire, motivate and engage all students. Student evidence will be presented in authentic scenarios and student exhibitions.  Students will participate in mentoring, job shadows, apprentice learning, project-based learning and travel to develop the real-world skills needed to impact their community and find success.
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