Registration ADPCA UK EVENT 2023
Date: February 22nd-26th, 2023
Address: Yarnfield Park, Stone, Staffordshire
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Your Name *
Email *

All rooms are double rooms for single occupancy.
  • Full event - residential: £480
  • 24 hour - residential: £130
  • Single day attendance - non-residential: £60 
What will you attend? *
Dietary restrictions *
Is there anything you would like to ask? Or, want us to know?
Once you have registered we will send you an email with an invoice for the options you selected. Please allow some time for the invoice. We will process the registrations in order of arrival. So, if there is a delay in you getting the invoice, your place in the queue is secured once you submitted the registration.
We tried to keep this process as simple as possible in order to avoid having to set up and pay for more professional payment systems. This allows us to keep the prices as low as possible.
Feel free to contact us via email if you have in any questions around this process or specific requirements.
If you decide to cancel your booking then we will give you the following refunds:

       100% of total booking cost up to 31st January 2023

       50% of total booking cost up to one week before the event,
       up to and including 15th February 2023

      No refund if cancelled within one week of the event, from 16th February 2023
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