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Peer Mentee Application
The Stonewall Center’s Peer Mentorship Program matches incoming students to a mentor within the University’s LGBTQIA+ community to provide academic, social, and emotional support for the mentees. This program is dedicated to building community among LGBTQIA+ students on campus by fostering relationships between incoming and returning students and providing a built-in buddy system to help with transitioning to life at UMass. Peer mentorship pairs are expected to engage with each other at least 2-3 times per month with at least one of those being an in-person engagement. For more info about mentee expectations, please visit Stonewall Center's mentorship page
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* Indicates required question
(the first and last name you go by)
Your answer
(they, ze, she, he, etc.)
Your answer
Are you an incoming 1st year student, transfer student, or incoming grad student?
1st year student
Transfer student
Incoming grad student
Local Address: (on or off-campus address while at UMass)
If you don't know yet, just write "unsure."
Your answer
Phone Number:
Your answer
Email Address:
(we will mainly contact you by email, so please provide an email you check regularly)
Your answer
Enrolled College:
(College of Natural Sciences, Social and Behavior Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, etc.)
Your answer
Anticipated Major(s)/Degree Program:
Your answer
Anticipated Minor(s):
Your answer
Degree to which academic programs or college is important to have in common with your mentor?
1= not at all, 2 = not very important, 3 = somewhat important, 4 = very important
Not at all
Very important
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