Peer Mentee Application
The Stonewall Center’s Peer Mentorship Program matches incoming students to a mentor within the University’s LGBTQIA+ community to provide academic, social, and emotional support for the mentees. This program is dedicated to building community among LGBTQIA+ students on campus by fostering relationships between incoming and returning students and providing a built-in buddy system to help with transitioning to life at UMass. Peer mentorship pairs are expected to engage with each other at least 2-3 times per month with at least one of those being an in-person engagement. For more info about mentee expectations, please visit Stonewall Center's mentorship page here.

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Name: *
(the first and last name you go by)
Pronouns: *
(they, ze, she, he, etc.)
Are you an incoming 1st year student, transfer student, or incoming grad student? *
Local Address:  (on or off-campus address while at UMass) *
If you don't know yet, just write "unsure."
Phone Number: *
Email Address: *
(we will mainly contact you by email, so please provide an email you check regularly)
Enrolled College: *
(College of Natural Sciences, Social and Behavior Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts, etc.)
Anticipated Major(s)/Degree Program: *
Anticipated Minor(s):
Degree to which academic programs or college is important to have in common with your mentor? *
1= not at all, 2 = not very important, 3 = somewhat important, 4 = very important
Not at all
Very important
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