Medical/Nursing Students Supporting Healthcare Workers During COVID-19
We understand that the evolving situation with COVID-19 is causing a lot of challenges. With the OSUMC cancelling classes, we, the medical and nursing students, were honored to help support healthcare providers and staff with life tasks outside the hospital. There was a lot of work that went into matching students with healthcare workers on the back end. It was not possible for us to continue doing this indefinitely. Luckily, the medical center has facilitated a more sustainable option!

The OSU medical center has been working with an app, Juggle, to facilitate offering childcare during this time. Now that it's up and running, I invite you to seek child and pet care services through the Juggle, where students may also register as vetted caretakers. If you are already connected to a student, please feel free to continue working with them.

Alternately, some unmatched medical students are listed on the sheet, below. Feel free to reach out to them directly.

We’re so thankful for the health care workers, support staff, public health officials, and countless other individuals who will continue to show up during this time of need. We’re glad we could play a small role in supporting you.

During this time of transition, we had more than 100 people sign up to provide care or services and 91 requests for services through this google form. We were able to match more than 60 families with students in less than 72 hours. Thank you for helping us make it happen.

Stay safe,
Ellen, Renata, Morgan, and Ben

Ellen Lubbers
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